Decorative braids & trimmings, homewares & light pulls

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Redecorating in Autumn

jute curtain tiebacks and autumn leaves


After our amazing hot summer Autumn is now well on it's way and we are all back inside.

Like many, my house is looking a bit neglected and Autumn is an excellent time for doing a little bit of redecoration. 

I usually start by picking up a paint brush to touch up marks that have accumulated on the paintwork. It never takes long to do, but it's amazing how much brighter and fresher the place feels once any grubby marks have been painted over.

The next thing many look at are easy things like cushions as you can quickly freshen up a room for just a few £. 

For a really sophisticated look, I can certainly recommend a few of Laura Fletcher's woven cushions as I have them at home. Laura has been our specialist weave designer for years and is amazing at putting unusual colours together to great effect. Laura loves stripes and always has her designs woven at a historic mill in Essex dating from 1720 in silks, wools and cottons.


laura fletcher woven cushion laura fletcher southwold woven cushion laura fletcher chalkney woven cushion


If you are handy with the sewing maching, how about making a tablecloth, your own cushions or some simple curtains? We have some fresh looking cotton fabrics, often with an Autumn theme such as Pomona or Cherry orchard. 


pomona cotton fabric cherry orchard cotton fabric in green cherry orchard cushion in mustard colour


The kitchen is another brilliant place to add a few key items, especially as it is so easy just to add a fresh new tea towel, tray or chopping board to brighten things up. This Autumn I've added the newly recoloured Marianne Westman Picknick items to mine, as their pastel colours are perfect for the season.   


picknick pastel tea towel picknick pastel heat-proof trivet picknick pastel laminated large tray


Another good idea if you have curtains - how about a change of tiebacks or adding some interesting braids to add a spalsh of colour or new decorative detail? New House are designers of simple contemporary tiebacks that suit both modern or old houses.    


berry red jute autumn tiebacks wooden ball curtain tiebacks 

jute  zigzag braid for interiors charleston mink luxury decorative trimming

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How Caple Court, Hereford,
Herefordshire, HR1 4SX UK

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