A really contemporary window blind pull crafted in acrylic and sandblasted for an opaque finish. This pull comes in a lovely cool fluro red and will liven up any roller blind.Click here for blind pull Fitting Instructions.
Our lunar light pulls are beautifully shaped and hand spray-painted with 4 layers of soft storm grey paint. They come with a soft cotton cord and look great in any bathroom or en suite.
Our lunar light pulls are beautifully shaped and hand spray-painted with 4 layers of soft umbre paint. They come with a soft cotton cord and look great in any bathroom or en suite.
These mini buoy nautical bathroom light pulls in red and white are miniature versions of buoys that fishermen used to use. They certainly give your bathroom that fashionable maritime or coastal look!
Herringbone is a perennial classic so our designer Laura Fletcher has created a sophisticated bathroom or en suite light pull. This pull comes in Brompton brown colour, has a cotton cord and has been traditionally hand-crafted in Worcester, England.